360+/- ac Butler Co


Property Details

ID: 76968
Status: Available
Price: $1,135,197
Acres: 360
Price Per Acre: $3,153
Address: Hwy 10 West
City, State: Greenville, Alabama
County: Butler
Zip Code: 36037
Presented By: Rick Bourne


For Sale!!! 360+/- acres on Hwy 10 West of Greenville, AL. Located along Hwy 10 between Greenville and Pine Apple this tract sits in the middle of some of the best deer hunting Alabama has to offer. There are several established food plots on the property as well as a road system to provide access. The pine plantation was planted in 2012 and will provided the new owner a return in just a few short years. With almost 200 acres in professionally managed pine plantation this tract is well suited for investment as well as recreation. Black Creek runs through the property providing and excellent source of water. Schedule a tour today!

Rick Bourne
Rick Bourne

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